Foothills Middle School, Wenatchee


  1. Foothills Middle School garden is hoping to have a Spring work party on Saturday April 11th from 10am to noon in order to dig up weeds, add amendments, rototill, and build a compost bin system. We welcome any help.
    Before that we are hoping to test our soil to see what sort of amendments we might need this year.
    We will be following an ideal crop rotation that will help build the soil since one plot will be buckwheat each year. I can share this plot rotation with you here in another blog!

  2. Doug Bergstrom took 10 samples of soil today at Foothills and will send them off to Soil Consultant Services in Moses Lake so taht we can decide the appropriate amendments for our soil. We built a compost bin because we will be composting the school kitchen waste so that the students can see how waste is turned into something valuable.


How Does Your Garden Grow?

Sunnyslope Elementary

2009 Newbery Greenhouse Field Trips

2009 Plant Starts