Sunnyslope Elementary, Wenatchee


  1. Sunnyslope students seeded their starts yesterday with 6 classrooms participating. Grades included 2nd-5th.

  2. ~The garden sign is progressing with a winner having been picked. Principal Mark Goveia will announce the winner at a later date.
    ~Our group has raised over $700 that involved painting pavers and purchasing engraved pavers.
    ~Thank you to Neighbor Larry for allowing us to use your water during the summer months.
    ~Our spring garden clean up will be featured in the 5-minute documentary being produced by Howell At The Moon Productions.
    ~Thank you to Zaldivar Landscaping for tilling our garden and adding amendments.


How Does Your Garden Grow?

Sunnyslope Elementary

2009 Newbery Greenhouse Field Trips

2009 Plant Starts