Seeds For Thought: April 09

April Comment Highlights: Spring Garden Clean Up Dates and Newbery Greenhouse Field Trips.


  1. This is an awesome blog. Keep up the good work. -Carol Williams

  2. Oly Mingo of Howell at the Moon Productions has started filming school garden activities as part of a proposed 5 minute video that we could all use as a promo for our programs and as a resource for future gardens. We just need to find a grant to fund that production expenses, but he is donating the camera time. IF your school would like to be part of this film, please contact me as soon as possible:

  3. I have talked - informally - with Tierra people about the need for organic gardening supplies, and they mentioned the possibility of forming a Co-op. We could at least then order wholesale in bulk from a national supplier like Peaceful Valley or something. I am so inspired by Newbery's success! Is there any contact information from WVC they are are able to share?

  4. Contact information for use of the greenhouse? Guest Speakers? What would you be interested in?


How Does Your Garden Grow?

Sunnyslope Elementary

2009 Newbery Greenhouse Field Trips

2009 Plant Starts