Seeds For Thought: May 09

May Comment Highlights: School Garden Planting Times


  1. School Garden Planting Schedule

    Newbery: The week following Mother's Day
    Sunnyslope: May 13th and 14th
    Foothills Middle School: Unknown
    Orchard Middle School: Unknown

  2. Foothills Middle School planting will take place on May 19th and May 26th from 2:15pm to 2:45pm, each day. This is when the Garden Club meets there.

  3. Hey everyone!
    Seeds of Change finally sent us the seeds that EAT had ordered. Now we have many packets of greens, beans, herbs, cucumbers, and some flowers. Please let me know if you need SEEDS. They are destined for school gardens and are great heirloom varieties!

  4. When is everyone doing their salad harvest parties?

    Foothills will be doing theirs on Tuesday 9th at 2pm. We hope to have one group harvest salad, another wash it, another prepare it, another serve it, and All eat it.
    This will be supervised by someone with a food safety certificate.

    Now, the challenge is summer maintenance...

  5. Everyone,

    Please get back to me if you/your students are interested in participating in Kid's Day at the Market when they can sell their school garden produce to the community. These are normally held on the last Saturday of the month during the summer but we need to apply ahead of time. I will check to see about doing so at Leavenworth Community Market as well.


How Does Your Garden Grow?

Sunnyslope Elementary

2009 Newbery Greenhouse Field Trips

2009 Plant Starts